Tag: Suffering

When “Good” Hurts

When “Good” Hurts

After a recent string of painful events, including the loss of our dog, Dexter, suffering has been on my mind again. I often have to remind myself that nothing happens without God allowing it, and everything God allows is ultimately for His glory and our good (Romans...

Be Different

Be Different

I’ve been telling my daughter to “be different” for years. And sometimes I have to remind her (and myself) that being different also means you have to be bold and brave. It can be a hard and occasionally lonely life, but choosing to be in the world but not of it (John...

God Moments

God Moments

God moments are awesome! You know, those times when there can be no doubt that you just experienced God working in your life? I had a God moment recently. It started as a really, really bad afternoon. (Ever notice that we usually only perceive God at work during a...

Trust God Anyway

Trust God Anyway

I’ve got this dog. Dexter. He’s a mixed-breed rescue, and he’s got a few issues. He’s a little over-protective of his family, but he’s a fantastic guard dog. He ignores me when I call him, unless it involves food, but at the first sound of thunder or a gun shot he’s...



According to the Red Cross, approximately 50% of the population cannot swim well enough to save themselves from drowning. I’m in that 50%. I’ve taken lessons multiple times and tried to learn on my own, but I just can’t make it work. I always end up sinking to the...

Beauty From Chaos

Beauty From Chaos

After almost six years away from blogging, I’m taking it up again, but in a completely different direction and for a totally different reason. For five and a half years I had a craft blog called Ink Up. It’s still out there, if you are interested, but it hasn’t been...

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